I think it's perfect.
1. Also Sprach Zarathustra - Strauss
2. The Doctor's Theme Series 4 - Doctor Who OST
3. Star Wars Main Theme
4. Rachel's Song - Vangelis
5. The Departure - Gattaca OST
6. Requiem - Gy. Ligeti
7. Robocop Theme song - Robocop OST
8. Spybreak! - Propellerheads
9. Total Recall Theme - Total Recall OST
10. Manipulated Living - Donnie Darko OST
11. Cosmos - Vangelis
12. Blade runner (end titles)- Vangelis
13. Star Wars Cantina Band
14. Terminator 2 Theme - Terminator 2 OST
15. Back to the Future theme -BTTF OST
16. Surface of the Sun (Sunshine Theme) - John Murphy
17. Welcome to Lunar Industries - Clint Mansell
18. Escape from new york Theme - EFNY OST
19. Death is the Road to Awe - Clint Mansell
20. Red Dwarf Theme - Red Dwarf OST
21. Serenity Ending Credits - David Newman